Finance APIs
Tags and resources
Customer account movements
Customer account transactions
Supplier account movements
Supplier account transactions
Customer Billing - by Item
Customer billing by item
General Ledger Accounting Lines
Shows General Ledger Accounting Lines
Sales Invoice Journal
Sales Invoice Journal will show all Sales Invoice numbers and Sales Credit Note numbers for periods or 1 Year.
Report will by default run for last Period, but can be run for other periods by giving the period as filter, for example:
REP/100105;2018 or REP/100105;201801
Supplier invoices / Supplier credit notes
PAY Transactions (Registered)
Bank Balances and Movements - By Date & Bank
Bank Balances and Movements - By Date & Bank
Sale, By Document.
Purchase, By Document.
Customer & supplier account movements
Customer statement
Customer statement
Supplier statement
Supplier statement
General Ledger Account Balances and Movements
General Ledger Account Balances and Movements
General ledger account balances and movements, detailed
General ledger account balances and movements, detailed
Supplier Invoices and Credits,
Supplier Invoices and Credits,
Sales Invoices and Credits,
Sales Invoices and Credits,
Asset : Period amounts and Year totals
Totals for Asset. Period amounts and Year totals
Asset, Project and GL Account : Period amounts and Year totals
Totals for Asset, Project and GL Account. Period amounts and Year totals
General Ledger Journal
Postings from General Ledger and Payable / Receivable Account Specifications.
TEST version of CUSBAL -sæøåæ%¤#%end Long name to try if it comes in the excel option or something is cut off or hidden. letters and numbers 2132132 end of the report name
TEST version of CUSBAL report for testing new report viewer.
Some additional functionality has been added øæååæ
Long Description test for report output with special characters and numbers
check the decription inthe csv
Some more description :
Essentially, a report is a short, sharp, concise document which is written for a particular purpose and audience. It generally sets outs and analyses a situation or problem, often making recommendations for future action. It is a factual paper, and needs to be clear and well-structured.
A report is a written presentation of factual information based on an investigation or research. Reports form the basis for solving problems or making decisions, often in the subjects of business and the sciences. The length of reports varies; there are short memorandum (memo) reports and long reports.
Parts availability overview 52 weeks
General ledger default account assignments
Report shows general ledger default accounts with related general ledger default account assignments
VAT Specification.
Report shows the VAT data for several companies.
Grouped by tax report across company's setting.
Bank Balances and Movements - By Date & Bank
Report for imported invoice product matching
Shows an overview of how matching between supplier product and rambase product was done for imported invoices.