Query parameters

Query string parameters appear after a question mark (?) in the endpoint URI. The question mark followed by the parameters and their values is referred to as the "query string". In the query string, each parameter is listed one right after the other with an ampersand (&) separating them.

The order of the query string parameters does not matter. These two GET requests will have the same response:



The RamBase API has two types of query string parameters:

  • Query parameters associated with the specific API resource. These query parameters can be found in the documentation of each API resource.
  • Global query parameters available for all API resources. The global query parameters always start with the $-character.

Global query parameters

$access_token String After successful login you get an access token which needs to be provided in all API requests. Even though it is possible to pass this token as query parameter, we recommended passing it using the HTTP request header as described in Authorization. Note that all access tokens have an expiration time.
$db String Set the database/company for the request
$useMinimumVersion Integer Used to run a new version of an API resource when your API client is running a deprecated API resource. See the Breaking changes page for more information.
$showCustomFields Boolean Set to "true" to include custom fields. Default value is false.

Global query parameters for POST API resources

$showDomainDescriptions Boolean Set to "true" to include domain descriptions for fields using domain values. See the Domain values page for more information. Default value is false.
$lang String Specifies the language used in the response, following the 3-letter ISO-639-1 [lll]

Global query parameters for GET API resources

$showDomainDescriptions Boolean Set to "true" to include domain descriptions for fields using domain values. See the Domain values page for more information. Default value is false.
$lang String Specifies the language used in the response, following the 3-letter ISO-639-1 [lll]
$format String Set the format of the response to use for the request. Accepted values are "xml", "html", "jsonstream", "json"
$select String Use to define the fields to return in the response. Accepts a comma-separated list of field names. See the Expand and select page for more information.
$expand String Use to include output fields that are not returned by default in the response. Accepts a comma-separated list of expandable field names. See the Expand and Select page for more information.
$top String Specifies number of rows to return in each page. Maximum limit is specific for each API resource. Default value is 10.. Only available for API resources listing out objects.
$pageKey String Use to navigate to first, previous, next or last page in list. Add $expand=PagingDetails to add the different keys to the response.. Only available for API resources listing out objects.
$filter String Use to filter the result list, see the Filtering and sorting page for more information.. Only available for API resources listing out objects.
$orderby String Use to order the result list, see the Filtering and sorting page for more information.. Only available for API resources listing out objects.
$inlinecount String Set to "allpages" to include total number of rows in the response. Possible values are: "allpages", "none". Only available for API resources listing out objects.