Logistics APIs
Shipments, stock, arriving goods, freight, customs, goods transfers and more
Tags and resources
Arriving waybill
Identifies a specific consignment of goods. One consignment can consist of several deliveries.
Assignment register
Get information about the assignments, and which objects they are linked towards.
contains information about the various carriers, or shipping service providers used to transport goods.
Customs export declaration
Customs import declaration
Customs reconciliation
Customs tariff
Departing waybill
Freight table
Freight tables with freight rates
Goods reception
Goods transfer
Shipping advice
A shipping advice is created when a sales order or a service order is ready for shipment. When the order is shipped, a sales invoice can be created.
Shipping service
Special handling
Stock adjustment
Stock location
Stock location assignment
Stock taking
Process of counting stock
Tracking number series
Warehouse operators group