Production APIs
A list of work order operations for given production resource category
HTTP method | GET |
URI |{productionResourceCategoryId}/work-order-operations?includeSubCategories={includeSubCategories}&subCategoryName={subCategoryName} |
Supported formats | Xml, Html, Json (ex. $format=json) |
- URI parameter {productionResourceCategoryId} |
Production resource category identifier
Integer, minimum 100000 |
Maximum page size ($top) | 60 |
Custom fields | Custom fields supported |
Successful HTTP status code | 200 |
API resource identifier | 5202, version 14 |
The following body must be added to the request. Mouse over fieldnames for description and other useful information about the fields. Note that fields in bold are required/mandatory.
The query string is placed after the resource URL, seperated with a questionmark (?). The query string is composed of a series of query parameters with values. See the page about query parameters on how to use these parameters.
includeSubCategories Boolean, optional |
A flag to include all production resources also for production resource category's subcategories
Default: False |
subCategoryName String, optional | Name of subcategory of production resource category to filter down list of work order operations |
$showDomainDescriptions Boolean, optional | Set to "true" to include domain descriptions for fields using domain values. See the Domain values page for more information. Default value is false. |
$lang String, optional | Specifies the language used in the response, following the 3-letter ISO-639-1 [lll] |
$access_token String, optional | After successful login you get an access token which needs to be provided in all API requests. Even though it is possible to pass this token as query parameter, we recommended passing it using the HTTP request header as described in Authorization. Note that all access tokens have an expiration time. |
$db String, optional | Set the database/company for the request |
$expand String, optional | Use to include output fields that are not returned by default in the response. Accepts a comma-separated list of expandable field names. See the Expand and Select page for more information. |
$select String, optional | Use to define the fields to return in the response. Accepts a comma-separated list of field names. See the Expand and select page for more information. |
$useMinimumVersion Integer, optional | Used to run a new version of an API resource when your API client is running a deprecated API resource. See the Breaking changes page for more information. |
$format String, optional | Set the format of the response to use for the request. Accepted values are "xml", "html", "jsonstream", "json" |
$showCustomFields Boolean, optional | Set to "true" to include custom fields. Default value is false. |
$top String, optional | Specifies number of rows to return in each page. Maximum limit is specific for each API resource. Default value is 10. |
$pageKey String, optional | Use to navigate to first, previous, next or last page in list. Add $expand=PagingDetails to add the different keys to the response. |
$filter String, optional | Use to filter the result list, see the Filtering and sorting page for more information. |
$orderby String, optional | Use to order the result list, see the Filtering and sorting page for more information. |
$inlinecount String, optional | Set to "allpages" to include total number of rows in the response. Possible values are: "allpages", "none" |
Read more about filters and sorting on how to use filter parameters and named filters.
Active() Named filter | Active work order operations |
All() Named filter | All work order operations |
CanBeGrouped() Named filter | Work order operations which can be grouped |
Completed() Named filter | Completed work order operations |
Grouped() Named filter | Work order operations which have been grouped |
MyTasks() Named filter | Work order operations for current users |
NotGrouped() Named filter | Work order operations which have not been grouped |
Production() Named filter | Work order operations in production |
Ready() Named filter | Ready work order operations |
Wait() Named filter | Waiting work order operations |
CreatedAt Datetime | Date and time of creation. Available macros: now(), startOfDay(), endOfDay(), currentDate(), currentMonth(), currentYear(), startOfMonth(), endOfMonth(), startOfYear(), endOfYear(), startOfWeek(), endOfWeek(), previousYear(), previousMonth() |
CustomersReferenceNumber String | Customers order reference. If the production work order is derived from a sales order, the customers order reference will be the same as in the sales order. Typically a reference to an external system. |
FinishedAt Datetime | Date and time of completion. Available macros: now(), startOfDay(), endOfDay(), currentDate(), currentMonth(), currentYear(), startOfMonth(), endOfMonth(), startOfYear(), endOfYear(), startOfWeek(), endOfWeek(), previousYear(), previousMonth() |
HasPriority Boolean | Flag which indicates if Work Order Operation has been prioritized. |
IsOnHold Boolean | True if work order operation is on hold. |
IsPaused Boolean | True if work order operation is paused. |
LatestOperatorId Integer | Employee identifier. Available macros: currentUser() |
Operation String | Name of the operation. |
PlannedFinishedAt Datetime | Date and time planned to finish. Specified by the planned work order operation.. Available macros: now(), startOfDay(), endOfDay(), currentDate(), currentMonth(), currentYear(), startOfMonth(), endOfMonth(), startOfYear(), endOfYear(), startOfWeek(), endOfWeek(), previousYear(), previousMonth() |
PlannedStartAt Datetime | Date and time planned to start. Specified by the planned work order operation.. Available macros: now(), startOfDay(), endOfDay(), currentDate(), currentMonth(), currentYear(), startOfMonth(), endOfMonth(), startOfYear(), endOfYear(), startOfWeek(), endOfWeek(), previousYear(), previousMonth() |
ProductDescription String | Description of the product. |
ProductId Integer | Product identifier. |
ProductionResourceId Integer | Production resource identifier. |
ProductionWorkOrderId Integer | Production work order identifier. |
ProductName String | Name of the product. |
ProductStructureMaterialProductName String | Product structure material's product name Name of the operation for operation lines. |
ProductUnitId Integer | Product unit identifier. |
Quantity Decimal | Quantity of the work order operation. |
ReadyAt Datetime | Earliest date and time for starting the work order operation. This is typically when the previous operation was completed. Comparing EarliestStartAt with StartedAt might give insight for improvements. Available macros: now(), startOfDay(), endOfDay(), currentDate(), currentMonth(), currentYear(), startOfMonth(), endOfMonth(), startOfYear(), endOfYear(), startOfWeek(), endOfWeek(), previousYear(), previousMonth() |
SerialNumber String | Serial number of the product unit. |
StartedAt Datetime | Date and time work order operation actually started. Available macros: now(), startOfDay(), endOfDay(), currentDate(), currentMonth(), currentYear(), startOfMonth(), endOfMonth(), startOfYear(), endOfYear(), startOfWeek(), endOfWeek(), previousYear(), previousMonth() |
Status Integer | Production work order operation status. |
WorkOrderOperationGroupId Integer | Work order operation group identifier. |
WorkOrderOperationId Integer | Production work order operation identifier. |
Read more about filters and sorting on how to use sortable parameters
CreatedAt Datetime | Date and time of creation |
CustomersReferenceNumber String | Customers order reference. If the production work order is derived from a sales order, the customers order reference will be the same as in the sales order. Typically a reference to an external system. |
FinishedAt Datetime | Date and time of completion |
HasPriority Boolean | Flag which indicates if Work Order Operation has been prioritized |
IsOnHold Boolean | True if work order operation is on hold |
IsPaused Boolean | True if work order operation is paused |
LatestOperatorId Integer | Employee identifier |
Operation String | Name of the operation |
PlannedFinishedAt Datetime | Date and time planned to finish. Specified by the planned work order operation. |
PlannedStartAt Datetime | Date and time planned to start. Specified by the planned work order operation. |
ProductDescription String | Description of the product |
ProductId Integer | Product identifier |
ProductionResourceId Integer | Production resource identifier |
ProductionWorkOrderId Integer | Production work order identifier |
ProductName String | Name of the product |
ProductStructureMaterialProductName String | Product structure material's product name Name of the operation for operation lines. |
Quantity Decimal | Quantity of the work order operation |
ReadyAt Datetime | Earliest date and time for starting the work order operation. This is typically when the previous operation was completed. Comparing EarliestStartAt with StartedAt might give insight for improvements. |
StartedAt Datetime | Date and time work order operation actually started |
Status Integer | Production work order operation status |
WorkOrderOperationGroupId Integer | Work order operation group identifier |
WorkOrderOperationId Integer | Production work order operation identifier |
Requesting this resource will yield the following response. Mouse over fieldnames (or fieldgroups) for descriptions and other useful information about the fields. Fields colored in grey is expandable fields.
Please note that some fields may be removed from the response, based on user roles/duties/permissions.
Serial number of the product unit
Planned work order operation identifier
Is locked, must not be moved. Can be due to inspection by external source.
Planned work order operation reference
Production work order operation identifier
Production work order operation status
Possible domain values can be found here
Date and time planned to start. Specified by the planned work order operation.
Date and time planned to finish. Specified by the planned work order operation.
Date and time work order operation actually started
Date and time of completion
Date and time quetime is completed
Earliest date and time for starting the work order operation. This is typically when the previous operation was completed. Comparing EarliestStartAt with StartedAt might give insight for improvements.
True if work order operation is paused
Flag which indicates if Work Order Operation has been prioritized
Quantity of the work order operation
A flag indicating if work order operation can be grouped
Picking status of work order operation
Possible domain values can be found here
Critical days
True if processing is completed
Planned runtime of the work order operation. Calculated by multiplying the quantity of the work order operation by the runtime of the product structure operation
The time required to process a piece or lot at a specific operation. Specified in hours.
True if setup changeover is completed
Time in hours used for setup changeover
True if cleanup changeover is completed
Time in hours used for cleanup changeover
True if work order operation is on hold
Date and time work order operation was set on hold
Date and time work order operation should be on hold to
A category of work order operation on hold reason
Possible domain values can be found here
Reason for setting work order operation on hold
Production work order identifier
Customers order reference. If the production work order is derived from a sales order, the customers order reference will be the same as in the sales order. Typically a reference to an external system.
The requested date of completion for the production work order.
The confirmed date of completion for the production work order
Product revision used for this production work order
Flag to indicate if production work order is on hold
Date of putting production work order on hold
Date and time production work order should be on hold to
A category of production work order on hold reason
Possible domain values can be found here
Reason of putting production work order on hold
Database of the object
Item-number of the object
Type of item
Identifier of the object
Type of object
Customer identifier
Name of customer (name of company or surname/familyname/lastname of a person)
Customer reference
API reference to the object
Internal RamBase identifier of the object/item
API reference to the item
Product identifier
Name of the product
Description of the product
Product reference
Production work order reference
Product structure operation identifier
Sequence number of the product structure operation. Unique within a product structure.
The wait time is used to specify if the products needs to wait before continuing to the next operation. A typical example is the time required for drying after the application of paint. The wait time is specified in hours.
Changeover pre/setup time in hours
Changeover post/cleanup time in hours
Production operation identifier
Name of production operation
Production operation reference
Production resource identifier
Name of production resource
A number which indicates production resource state, 0=OK, 10=warning, 20=stopped
Possible domain values can be found here
A description which explains a reason for setting production resource state
Production resource reference
Product structure identifier
Product structure reference
Employee identifier
Last name of employee
First name of employee
Employee reference
Work order operation group identifier
Name of Work Order Operation Group
Creation date for Group Work Order Operation
Work order operation group's reference
Work order operation reference
Detailed paging information for this list.
Number of elements in the list, as defined in $top. Default is 10.
Position of the first element in the list
Page index
Link to the first page in the list. $pageKey is set to FirstPageKey.
Link to the previous page in the list. $pageKey is set to PreviousPageKey.
Link to the next page in the list. $pageKey is set to NextPageKey.
Link to the last page in the list. $pageKey is set to LastPageKey.
Total number of records in the list. Use $inlinecount=allpages in the request uri to include this
Serial number of the product unit
": "{String}"PlannedOperationId
Planned work order operation identifier
": "{Integer}",IsOperationLocked
Is locked, must not be moved. Can be due to inspection by external source.
": "{Boolean}",PlannedOperationLink
Planned work order operation reference
": "{String}"WorkOrderOperationId
Production work order operation identifier
": "{Integer}",Status
Production work order operation status
Possible domain values can be found here
": "{Integer}",PlannedStartAt
Date and time planned to start. Specified by the planned work order operation.
": "{Datetime}",PlannedFinishedAt
Date and time planned to finish. Specified by the planned work order operation.
": "{Datetime}",StartedAt
Date and time work order operation actually started
": "{Datetime}",FinishedAt
Date and time of completion
": "{Datetime}",WaitTimeEndsAt
Date and time quetime is completed
": "{Datetime}",ReadyAt
Earliest date and time for starting the work order operation. This is typically when the previous operation was completed. Comparing EarliestStartAt with StartedAt might give insight for improvements.
": "{Datetime}",IsPaused
True if work order operation is paused
": "{Boolean}",HasPriority
Flag which indicates if Work Order Operation has been prioritized
": "{Boolean}",Quantity
Quantity of the work order operation
": "{Decimal}",CanBeGrouped
A flag indicating if work order operation can be grouped
": "{Boolean}",PickingStatus
Picking status of work order operation
Possible domain values can be found here
": "{Integer}",PlannedStartAtMargin
Critical days
": "{Integer}",IsProcessingCompleted
True if processing is completed
": "{Boolean}",PlannedRunTime
Planned runtime of the work order operation. Calculated by multiplying the quantity of the work order operation by the runtime of the product structure operation
": "{Decimal}",RunTime
The time required to process a piece or lot at a specific operation. Specified in hours.
": "{Decimal}"IsSetupCompleted
True if setup changeover is completed
": "{Boolean}",SetupTime
Time in hours used for setup changeover
": "{Decimal}",IsCleanupCompleted
True if cleanup changeover is completed
": "{Boolean}",CleanupTime
Time in hours used for cleanup changeover
": "{Decimal}"IsOnHold
True if work order operation is on hold
": "{Boolean}",OnHoldAt
Date and time work order operation was set on hold
": "{Datetime}",OnHoldTo
Date and time work order operation should be on hold to
": "{Datetime}",Category
A category of work order operation on hold reason
Possible domain values can be found here
": "{Integer}",Reason
Reason for setting work order operation on hold
": "{String}"ProductionWorkOrderId
Production work order identifier
": "{Integer}",CustomersReferenceNumber
Customers order reference. If the production work order is derived from a sales order, the customers order reference will be the same as in the sales order. Typically a reference to an external system.
": "{String}",RequestedCompletionDate
The requested date of completion for the production work order.
": "{Date}",ConfirmedCompletionDate
The confirmed date of completion for the production work order
": "{Date}",ProductRevision
Product revision used for this production work order
": "{String}",IsOnHold
Flag to indicate if production work order is on hold
": "{Boolean}",OnHoldAt
Date of putting production work order on hold
": "{Datetime}",OnHoldTo
Date and time production work order should be on hold to
": "{Datetime}",Category
A category of production work order on hold reason
Possible domain values can be found here
": "{Integer}",Reason
Reason of putting production work order on hold
": "{String}"Database
Database of the object
": "{String}",ItemId
Item-number of the object
": "{Integer}",ItemType
Type of item
": "{String}",ObjectId
Identifier of the object
": "{Integer}",ObjectType
Type of object
": "{String}",CustomerId
Customer identifier
": "{Integer}",Name
Name of customer (name of company or surname/familyname/lastname of a person)
": "{String}",CustomerLink
Customer reference
": "{String}"ObjectLink
API reference to the object
": "{String}"RamBaseKey
Internal RamBase identifier of the object/item
": "{String}",ItemLink
API reference to the item
": "{String}"ProductId
Product identifier
": "{Integer}",Name
Name of the product
": "{String}",Description
Description of the product
": "{String}",ProductLink
Product reference
": "{String}"ProductionWorkOrderLink
Production work order reference
": "{String}"ProductStructureOperationId
Product structure operation identifier
": "{Integer}",SequenceNumber
Sequence number of the product structure operation. Unique within a product structure.
": "{Integer}",WaitTime
The wait time is used to specify if the products needs to wait before continuing to the next operation. A typical example is the time required for drying after the application of paint. The wait time is specified in hours.
": "{Decimal}",SetupTime
Changeover pre/setup time in hours
": "{Decimal}",CleanupTime
Changeover post/cleanup time in hours
": "{Decimal}"ProductionOperationId
Production operation identifier
": "{Integer}",Name
Name of production operation
": "{String}",ProductionOperationLink
Production operation reference
": "{String}"ProductionResourceId
Production resource identifier
": "{Integer}",Name
Name of production resource
": "{String}",Code
A number which indicates production resource state, 0=OK, 10=warning, 20=stopped
Possible domain values can be found here
": "{Integer}",Note
A description which explains a reason for setting production resource state
": "{String}"ProductionResourceLink
Production resource reference
": "{String}"ProductStructureVersionId
Product structure identifier
": "{Integer}",ProductStructureVersionLink
Product structure reference
": "{String}"EmployeeId
Employee identifier
": "{Integer}",LastName
Last name of employee
": "{String}",FirstName
First name of employee
": "{String}",EmployeeLink
Employee reference
": "{String}"WorkOrderOperationGroupId
Work order operation group identifier
": "{Integer}",Name
Name of Work Order Operation Group
": "{String}",Type
Type of work order operation group
Possible domain values can be found here
": "{String}",CreatedAt
Creation date for Group Work Order Operation
": "{Date}",WorkOrderOperationGroupLink
Work order operation group's reference
": "{String}"WorkOrderOperationLink
Work order operation reference
": "{String}"Paging
Detailed paging information for this list.
": {PageSize
Number of elements in the list, as defined in $top. Default is 10.
": "{Integer}",Position
Position of the first element in the list
": "{Integer}",Page
Page index
": "{Integer}",FirstPage
Link to the first page in the list. $pageKey is set to FirstPageKey.
": "{String}",PreviousPage
Link to the previous page in the list. $pageKey is set to PreviousPageKey.
": "{String}",NextPage
Link to the next page in the list. $pageKey is set to NextPageKey.
": "{String}",LastPage
Link to the last page in the list. $pageKey is set to LastPageKey.
": "{String}",Size
Total number of records in the list. Use $inlinecount=allpages in the request uri to include this
": "{Integer}"
List of available operations/actions for this resource.
See the operations documentation for more information about API operations.
Possible error codes the response might return:
Error 101030 HTTP 404 | Role not found |
Error 105969 HTTP 400 | Start date is required |
Error 105970 HTTP 400 | End date is required |