Quality management APIs
Gets a list of quality issues
HTTP method | GET |
URI | https://api.rambase.net/quality/issues?folderId={folderId}&includeSubfolders={includeSubfolders} |
Supported formats | Xml, Html, Json (ex. $format=json) |
Maximum page size ($top) | 80 |
Custom fields | Custom fields supported |
Successful HTTP status code | 200 |
API resource identifier | 4461, version 102 |
The following body must be added to the request. Mouse over fieldnames for description and other useful information about the fields. Note that fields in bold are required/mandatory.
The query string is placed after the resource URL, seperated with a questionmark (?). The query string is composed of a series of query parameters with values. See the page about query parameters on how to use these parameters.
folderId Integer, optional |
File folder id for a spesific file container or forlder.
Minimum: 100000 |
includeSubfolders Boolean, optional | Includes quality issues from subfolders, not only from current folder. |
$showDomainDescriptions Boolean, optional | Set to "true" to include domain descriptions for fields using domain values. See the Domain values page for more information. Default value is false. |
$lang String, optional | Specifies the language used in the response, following the 3-letter ISO-639-1 [lll] |
$access_token String, optional | After successful login you get an access token which needs to be provided in all API requests. Even though it is possible to pass this token as query parameter, we recommended passing it using the HTTP request header as described in Authorization. Note that all access tokens have an expiration time. |
$db String, optional | Set the database/company for the request |
$expand String, optional | Use to include output fields that are not returned by default in the response. Accepts a comma-separated list of expandable field names. See the Expand and Select page for more information. |
$select String, optional | Use to define the fields to return in the response. Accepts a comma-separated list of field names. See the Expand and select page for more information. |
$useMinimumVersion Integer, optional | Used to run a new version of an API resource when your API client is running a deprecated API resource. See the Breaking changes page for more information. |
$format String, optional | Set the format of the response to use for the request. Accepted values are "xml", "html", "jsonstream", "json" |
$showCustomFields Boolean, optional | Set to "true" to include custom fields. Default value is false. |
$top String, optional | Specifies number of rows to return in each page. Maximum limit is specific for each API resource. Default value is 10. |
$pageKey String, optional | Use to navigate to first, previous, next or last page in list. Add $expand=PagingDetails to add the different keys to the response. |
$filter String, optional | Use to filter the result list, see the Filtering and sorting page for more information. |
$orderby String, optional | Use to order the result list, see the Filtering and sorting page for more information. |
$inlinecount String, optional | Set to "allpages" to include total number of rows in the response. Possible values are: "allpages", "none" |
Read more about filters and sorting on how to use filter parameters and named filters.
Active() Named filter | Active quality issue categories. |
AssignedToMe() Named filter | Quality issues assigned to me |
Closed() Named filter | Closed quality issues |
ClosedAfterDueDate() Named filter | Filter for quality issues that were closed after due date |
ClosedWithinDueDate() Named filter | Filter on quality issues that has been closed within the due date |
CreatedByMe() Named filter | Quality issues created by me |
GreenRiskScore() Named filter | Quality issues with a green risk score based on company settings |
InReview() Named filter | Quality issues currently being reviewed |
MeAsResponsible() Named filter | Me as responsible |
MyIssues() Named filter | Issues assigned to me and I'm responsible for |
OpenCorrespondence() Named filter | Issues with open external correspondences |
Overdue() Named filter | Overdue quality issues |
PendingActions() Named filter | Actions to fix or prevent quality issues are in progress |
PendingAnalyzing() Named filter | Quality issues being analyzed |
PendingRegistration() Named filter | Pending registration, not all data collected |
RedRiskScore() Named filter | Quality issues that has a red risk score based on company settings |
ReportedByCustomers() Named filter | Quality issues reported by a customer |
ReportedByEmployees() Named filter | Quality issues reported by an employee |
ReportedBySuppliers() Named filter | Quality issues reported by a supplier |
WithoutDirectCause() Named filter | Issues without assigned any direct cause |
WithoutRootCause() Named filter | Issues without assigned any root cause |
YellowRiskScore() Named filter | Quality issues with a yellow risk score based on company settings |
Assignee Integer | Identifier of the person who has beed assigned to work on this object. |
Category Integer | Category of the quality issue. Together with type this should apply information on which field/area of a system the quality issue is addressing. |
ClosedAt Datetime | Time and date when this issue was resolved. Available macros: now(), startOfDay(), endOfDay(), currentDate(), currentMonth(), currentYear(), startOfMonth(), endOfMonth(), startOfYear(), endOfYear(), startOfWeek(), endOfWeek(), previousYear(), previousMonth() |
ContainingConsequenceArea Integer | Filter on quality issues containing specific consequence area. |
ContainingConsequenceType Integer | Filter for quality issues containing specific consequence type. |
ContainingCostCategory Integer | Filter on quality issues showing issues contaning costs with given cost category. |
ContainingDirectCauseCategory Integer | All issues containg this direct cause in cause analysis. |
ContainingExternalCorrespondenceResponseStatus Integer | Filter for external correspondence response status. |
ContainingExternalCorrespondenceStatus Integer | Filter on external correspondence status. |
ContainingExternalCorrespondenceSuggestedAction Integer | Action on the response. |
ContainingExternalCorrespondenceType Integer | Filter for external correspondence type. |
ContainingRiskConsequenceArea Integer | Filter on quality issues containing specific consequence area only for risks. |
ContainingRootCauseCategory Integer | All issues containing this root cause in cause analysis. |
ContainingStandardRequirement Integer | Identifier of the domain value for standard requirement. |
ContainingTagName String | All tasks containing this TAG. |
CreatedAt Datetime | Date and time when quality issue was created. Available macros: now(), startOfDay(), endOfDay(), currentDate(), currentMonth(), currentYear(), startOfMonth(), endOfMonth(), startOfYear(), endOfYear(), startOfWeek(), endOfWeek(), previousYear(), previousMonth() |
CreatedBy Integer | Identifier of the person who created this object. |
DaysOverdue Integer | Number of days a quality issue was closed after duedate. If it is closed on the day of the due date, this value is 0. Negative values for issues closed before due date, and positive values for issues closed after due date. |
DepartmentId Integer | Department identifier. |
DueDate Date | Time and date when this issue should be resolved. Available macros: today(), yesterday(), currentMonth(), currentYear(), startOfMonth(), endOfMonth(), startOfYear(), endOfYear(), startOfWeek(), endOfWeek(), previousYear(), previousMonth() |
ExternalReference String | External reference identifier from the customer. |
IsMarkedForNCR Boolean | Whether or not an issue is marked as non conformance report (NCR). |
Location Integer | Location identifier. |
OccuredAt Datetime | Time and date when the issue occured. Available macros: now(), startOfDay(), endOfDay(), currentDate(), currentMonth(), currentYear(), startOfMonth(), endOfMonth(), startOfYear(), endOfYear(), startOfWeek(), endOfWeek(), previousYear(), previousMonth() |
QualityIssueId Integer | Quality issue identifier. |
RegisteredAt Datetime | Time and date when this issue was registered. Available macros: now(), startOfDay(), endOfDay(), currentDate(), currentMonth(), currentYear(), startOfMonth(), endOfMonth(), startOfYear(), endOfYear(), startOfWeek(), endOfWeek(), previousYear(), previousMonth() |
ReportedByCustomerId Integer | Customer identifier. |
ReportedByEmployeeId Integer | Identifier of the person who is reported of this object. |
ReportedBySupplierId Integer | RamBase supplier identifier. |
RequireReview Boolean | True if this issue requires a review. False if not. |
Responsible Integer | Identifier of the person who is responsible for this object. |
RiskScore Integer | A calculated score of how much of a risk this issue indicates. It is the product of likelihood and rating (severity). |
SourceAffectedQuantity Integer | Quantity of product units affected by this quality issue. |
SourceCustomerId Integer | Customer identifier related to the source of the quality issue. |
SourceDetectedOnProductionOperationId Integer | Identifier of the production operation where quality issue was detected. |
SourceFinanceProjectId Integer | Finance project identifier. |
SourceManufacturerId Integer | Manufacturer identifier. |
SourceMaterialClassificationId String | Material classification identifier. |
SourceMaterialId Integer | Material identifier. |
SourceObjectId Integer | Identifier of the object. |
SourceObjectItem Integer | Item-number of the object. |
SourceObjectType String | Type of object. |
SourceOccurredOnProductionOperationId Integer | Identifier of the production operation where quality issue occured. |
SourceProductClassificationId String | Product classification identifier. |
SourceProductId Integer | Product identifier. |
SourceProductionResourceId Integer | Production resource identifier. |
SourceProductionWorkOrderId Integer | Production work order identifier. |
SourcePurchaseOrderId Integer | Purchase order identifier. |
SourcePurchaseOrderItemId Integer | Item-/line-number of the purchase order. |
SourceSalesOrderId Integer | Sales order identifier. |
SourceSalesOrderItemId Integer | Sales order item identifier. |
SourceSupplierId Integer | Supplier identifier related to the source of quality issue. |
SourceTotalQuantity Integer | The quantity that will be (or has been) produced. |
Status Integer | Status of quality issue. 1: Registering, 2: Analyzing, 4: Pending actions, 8: Reviewing, 9: Closed. |
Title String | Title of the issue. |
TotalCost Decimal | Total cost of the issue. |
Type Integer | Quality issue type. I.E "Incident", "Observation" or "Improvement proposal". |
Read more about filters and sorting on how to use sortable parameters
Assignee Integer | Identifier of the person who has beed assigned to work on this object. |
Category Integer | Category of the quality issue. Together with type this should apply information on which field/area of a system the quality issue is addressing |
ClosedAt Datetime | Time and date when this issue was resolved |
ContainingConsequenceArea Integer | Filter on quality issues containing specific consequence area. |
ContainingConsequenceType Integer | Filter for quality issues containing specific consequence type. |
ContainingCostCategory Integer | Filter on quality issues showing issues contaning costs with given cost category. |
ContainingDirectCauseCategory Integer | All issues containg this direct cause in cause analysis. |
ContainingExternalCorrespondenceResponseStatus Integer | Filter for external correspondence response status |
ContainingExternalCorrespondenceStatus Integer | Filter on external correspondence status |
ContainingExternalCorrespondenceSuggestedAction Integer | Action on the response |
ContainingExternalCorrespondenceType Integer | Filter for external correspondence type |
ContainingRiskConsequenceArea Integer | Filter on quality issues containing specific consequence area only for risks. |
ContainingRootCauseCategory Integer | All issues containing this root cause in cause analysis. |
ContainingStandardRequirement Integer | Identifier of the domain value for standard requirement |
CreatedAt Datetime | Date and time when quality issue was created |
CreatedBy Integer | Identifier of the person who created this object. |
DaysOverdue Integer | Number of days a quality issue was closed after duedate. If it is closed on the day of the due date, this value is 0. Negative values for issues closed before due date, and positive values for issues closed after due date. |
DepartmentId Integer | Department identifier |
DueDate Date | Time and date when this issue should be resolved |
ExternalReference String | External reference identifier from the customer |
IsMarkedForNCR Boolean | Whether or not an issue is marked as non conformance report (NCR) |
Location Integer | Location identifier |
OccuredAt Datetime | Time and date when the issue occured |
QualityIssueId Integer | Quality issue identifier |
RegisteredAt Datetime | Time and date when this issue was registered |
ReportedByCustomerId Integer | Customer identifier |
ReportedByEmployeeId Integer | Identifier of the person who is reported of this object. |
ReportedBySupplierId Integer | RamBase supplier identifier |
RequireReview Boolean | True if this issue requires a review. False if not |
Responsible Integer | Identifier of the person who is responsible for this object. |
RiskScore Integer | A calculated score of how much of a risk this issue indicates. It is the product of likelihood and rating (severity) |
SourceAffectedQuantity Integer | Quantity of product units affected by this quality issue. |
SourceCustomerId Integer | Customer identifier related to the source of the quality issue |
SourceDetectedOnProductionOperationId Integer | Identifier of the production operation where quality issue was detected |
SourceFinanceProjectId Integer | Finance project identifier |
SourceManufacturerId Integer | Manufacturer identifier |
SourceMaterialClassificationId String | Material classification identifier |
SourceMaterialId Integer | Material identifier |
SourceObjectId Integer | Identifier of the object |
SourceObjectItem Integer | Item-number of the object |
SourceObjectType String | Type of object |
SourceOccurredOnProductionOperationId Integer | Identifier of the production operation where quality issue occured |
SourceProductClassificationId String | Product classification identifier |
SourceProductId Integer | Product identifier |
SourceProductionResourceId Integer | Production resource identifier |
SourceProductionWorkOrderId Integer | Production work order identifier |
SourcePurchaseOrderId Integer | Purchase order identifier |
SourcePurchaseOrderItemId Integer | Item-/line-number of the purchase order |
SourceSalesOrderId Integer | Sales order identifier |
SourceSalesOrderItemId Integer | Sales order item identifier |
SourceSupplierId Integer | Supplier identifier related to the source of quality issue |
SourceTotalQuantity Integer | The quantity that will be (or has been) produced |
Status Integer | Status of quality issue. 1: Registering, 2: Analyzing, 4: Pending actions, 8: Reviewing, 9: Closed |
Title String | Title of the issue |
TotalCost Decimal | Total cost of the issue |
Type Integer | Quality issue type. I.E "Incident", "Observation" or "Improvement proposal" |
Requesting this resource will yield the following response. Mouse over fieldnames (or fieldgroups) for descriptions and other useful information about the fields. Fields colored in grey is expandable fields.
Please note that some fields may be removed from the response, based on user roles/duties/permissions.
Quality issue identifier
Date and time when quality issue was created
Status of quality issue. 1: Registering, 2: Analyzing, 4: Pending actions, 8: Reviewing, 9: Closed
Possible domain values can be found here
Description of quality issue
Quality issue type. I.E "Incident", "Observation" or "Improvement proposal"
Possible domain values can be found here
Title of the issue
Category of the quality issue. Together with type this should apply information on which field/area of a system the quality issue is addressing
Possible domain values can be found here
Time and date when the issue occured
Time and date when this issue was registered
Time and date when this issue should be resolved
Time and date when this issue was resolved
A calculated score of how much of a risk this issue indicates. It is the product of likelihood and rating (severity)
Whether or not an issue is marked as non conformance report (NCR)
If true, a notification will be sent to the creator when closing this issue.
True if this issue requires a review. False if not
External reference identifier from the customer
External title used in external correspondence. Is used in order to send modified title of quality issue to customer
Additional comment added by person who closes quality issue.
Comment added by reviewer when they rejected review and typed some suggestions.
Date and time when quality issue was reviewed.
File folder id for a spesific file container or forlder.
Verbose folder text in english.
Company folder id
Three character code following the ISO 4217 standard
Total cost of the issue
Count of all immediate and corrective actions.
Count of done immediate and corrective actions.
API reference to the object
Detailed paging information for this list.
Number of elements in the list, as defined in $top. Default is 10.
Position of the first element in the list
Page index
Link to the first page in the list. $pageKey is set to FirstPageKey.
Link to the previous page in the list. $pageKey is set to PreviousPageKey.
Link to the next page in the list. $pageKey is set to NextPageKey.
Link to the last page in the list. $pageKey is set to LastPageKey.
Total number of records in the list. Use $inlinecount=allpages in the request uri to include this
Quality issue identifier
": "{Integer}",CreatedAt
Date and time when quality issue was created
": "{Datetime}",Status
Status of quality issue. 1: Registering, 2: Analyzing, 4: Pending actions, 8: Reviewing, 9: Closed
Possible domain values can be found here
": "{Integer}",Description
Description of quality issue
": "{String}",Type
Quality issue type. I.E "Incident", "Observation" or "Improvement proposal"
Possible domain values can be found here
": "{Integer}",Title
Title of the issue
": "{String}",Category
Category of the quality issue. Together with type this should apply information on which field/area of a system the quality issue is addressing
Possible domain values can be found here
": "{Integer}",OccuredAt
Time and date when the issue occured
": "{Datetime}",RegisteredAt
Time and date when this issue was registered
": "{Datetime}",DueDate
Time and date when this issue should be resolved
": "{Date}",ClosedAt
Time and date when this issue was resolved
": "{Datetime}",RiskScore
A calculated score of how much of a risk this issue indicates. It is the product of likelihood and rating (severity)
": "{Integer}",IsMarkedForNCR
Whether or not an issue is marked as non conformance report (NCR)
": "{Boolean}",NotifyWhenClosed
If true, a notification will be sent to the creator when closing this issue.
": "{Boolean}",RequireReview
True if this issue requires a review. False if not
": "{Boolean}",ExternalReference
External reference identifier from the customer
": "{String}",ExternalTitle
External title used in external correspondence. Is used in order to send modified title of quality issue to customer
": "{String}",CloseComment
Additional comment added by person who closes quality issue.
": "{String}",ReviewComment
Comment added by reviewer when they rejected review and typed some suggestions.
": "{String}",ReviewedAt
Date and time when quality issue was reviewed.
": "{Datetime}",FolderId
File folder id for a spesific file container or forlder.
": "{Integer}",Name
Verbose folder text in english.
": "{String}",FolderLink
Company folder id
": "{String}"Currency
Three character code following the ISO 4217 standard
": "{String}",TotalCost
Total cost of the issue
": "{Decimal}",QualityIssueActionsCount
Count of all immediate and corrective actions.
": "{Integer}",DoneQualityIssueActionsCount
Count of done immediate and corrective actions.
": "{Integer}"QualityIssueLink
API reference to the object
": "{String}"Paging
Detailed paging information for this list.
": {PageSize
Number of elements in the list, as defined in $top. Default is 10.
": "{Integer}",Position
Position of the first element in the list
": "{Integer}",Page
Page index
": "{Integer}",FirstPage
Link to the first page in the list. $pageKey is set to FirstPageKey.
": "{String}",PreviousPage
Link to the previous page in the list. $pageKey is set to PreviousPageKey.
": "{String}",NextPage
Link to the next page in the list. $pageKey is set to NextPageKey.
": "{String}",LastPage
Link to the last page in the list. $pageKey is set to LastPageKey.
": "{String}",Size
Total number of records in the list. Use $inlinecount=allpages in the request uri to include this
": "{Integer}"
List of available operations/actions for this resource.
See the operations documentation for more information about API operations.
Possible error codes the response might return:
Error 101013 HTTP 404 | Sub-module not found |
Error 100053 HTTP 403 | You have only admittance to your own suppliers |