Rental APIs
Tags and resources
Equipment stock location
This report is presenting the stock location (STL) for equipment that is in stock. Equipment = products for rental or products that are received from customer for service (customer owned).
And it is therefore also limited to SSA items with quantity = 1 and stock quantity = 1 (currently in stock).
The report has two views:
1. Rental products - SSAs for products that are marked as rental products (linked to a rental-ART).
2. Customer owned products - SSAs that are customer owned.
Available Rental Articles with ObjektId and Specification
Available Rental Articles with ObjektId and Specification
Recurring invoice periods
A list of recurring billing periods including recurring plan, customer, and product details. Can be filtered by customer account number, recurring invoice plan number and date range of sales invoicing.
Rental discount on terminals sold
Rental shipping advices with Customers reference number
Rental shipping advices
Available Rental Articles
Available rental articles