Sales APIs
List of all sales order items
HTTP method | GET |
URI | |
Supported formats | Xml, Html, Json (ex. $format=json) |
Maximum page size ($top) | 60 |
Custom fields | Custom fields supported |
Successful HTTP status code | 200 |
API resource identifier | 645, version 96 |
The following body must be added to the request. Mouse over fieldnames for description and other useful information about the fields. Note that fields in bold are required/mandatory.
The query string is placed after the resource URL, seperated with a questionmark (?). The query string is composed of a series of query parameters with values. See the page about query parameters on how to use these parameters.
$showDomainDescriptions Boolean, optional | Set to "true" to include domain descriptions for fields using domain values. See the Domain values page for more information. Default value is false. |
$lang String, optional | Specifies the language used in the response, following the 3-letter ISO-639-1 [lll] |
$access_token String, optional | After successful login you get an access token which needs to be provided in all API requests. Even though it is possible to pass this token as query parameter, we recommended passing it using the HTTP request header as described in Authorization. Note that all access tokens have an expiration time. |
$db String, optional | Set the database/company for the request |
$expand String, optional | Use to include output fields that are not returned by default in the response. Accepts a comma-separated list of expandable field names. See the Expand and Select page for more information. |
$select String, optional | Use to define the fields to return in the response. Accepts a comma-separated list of field names. See the Expand and select page for more information. |
$useMinimumVersion Integer, optional | Used to run a new version of an API resource when your API client is running a deprecated API resource. See the Breaking changes page for more information. |
$format String, optional | Set the format of the response to use for the request. Accepted values are "xml", "html", "jsonstream", "json" |
$showCustomFields Boolean, optional | Set to "true" to include custom fields. Default value is false. |
$top String, optional | Specifies number of rows to return in each page. Maximum limit is specific for each API resource. Default value is 10. |
$pageKey String, optional | Use to navigate to first, previous, next or last page in list. Add $expand=PagingDetails to add the different keys to the response. |
$filter String, optional | Use to filter the result list, see the Filtering and sorting page for more information. |
$orderby String, optional | Use to order the result list, see the Filtering and sorting page for more information. |
$inlinecount String, optional | Set to "allpages" to include total number of rows in the response. Possible values are: "allpages", "none" |
Read more about filters and sorting on how to use filter parameters and named filters.
Active() Named filter | Active sales order items. Sales orders items registered, but not delivered yet. |
ApprovalNotification() Named filter | Sales order items with notifications of category A (approvals) |
ConfirmedThisWeek() Named filter | Sales order items with a confirmed delivery date this week |
ConfLaterThanReq() Named filter | Sales order items where confirmed delivery date is later than requested delivery date |
Delayed() Named filter | Sales order items which should have been delivered according to confirmed delivery date |
InfoNotification() Named filter | Sales order items with notification of category I (Information) |
MyItems() Named filter | Items which belong to a sales order the current user is either assigned to, sales assistent for or account manager for. |
MyOpenItems() Named filter | Sales order items not processed which belongs to a sales order which the current user is assigned to, sales assistant for or account manager for |
OpenItems() Named filter | Sales order items not processed |
WithDeliveryProblems() Named filter | Sales order items with possible delivery problems. Possible delivery problems can be delayed items (status 6), unconfirmed items or items with mismatch between confirmed delivery date and requested delivery date. |
AccountManager Integer | Reference to the employee who is responsible for the management of sales, and relationship with the customer. Available macros: currentUser() |
AllocatedStockQuantity Decimal | The quantity of this item which do have assignments from stock. |
AssetId Integer | Asset identifier. |
Assignee Integer | The user who has been assigned to work with this object. Available macros: currentUser() |
ConfirmedDeliveryDate Date | Confirmed date of delivery. Date of which the customer can expect the arriving goods. Available macros: today(), yesterday(), currentMonth(), currentYear(), startOfMonth(), endOfMonth(), startOfYear(), endOfYear(), startOfWeek(), endOfWeek(), previousYear(), previousMonth() |
ContainingNotificationTypeId Integer | Notification type identifier. |
ConvertedGrossAmount Decimal | Total gross amount in company currency. |
ConvertedGrossPrice Decimal | Represents the price per unit before any discounting is applied. |
ConvertedNetAmount Decimal | Total net amount in company currency. |
ConvertedNetPrice Decimal | Final price per unit after deducting all discounts. |
ConvertedRemainingAmount Decimal | Total remaining amount in company currency. |
CreatedAt Datetime | Date and time of creation. Available macros: now(), startOfDay(), endOfDay(), currentDate(), currentMonth(), currentYear(), startOfMonth(), endOfMonth(), startOfYear(), endOfYear(), startOfWeek(), endOfWeek(), previousYear(), previousMonth() |
CreditCardTransactionId Integer | Credit card transaction identifier. |
CustomerFirstname String | Secondary name of a company or firstname of a person. |
CustomerId Integer | Customer identifier. |
CustomerLegalEntityId Integer | Customer legal entity identifier. |
CustomerName String | Name of customer (name of company or surname/familyname/lastname of a person). |
CustomersProductName String | Customers internal name of the product. Retrieved from the product. |
CustomersReferenceNumber String | Customers item reference number. Typically to the customers internal system. |
DeliveryTerms String | Delivery terms when shipping the goods. The delivery terms is based on the Incoterms rules from ICC (International Chamber of Commerce). The delivery terms is by default retrieved from the customer. |
DepartmentId Integer | Department identifier. |
DeviationId Integer | Deviation identifier. |
DeviationTypeId Integer | Deviation definition identifier. |
Discount Decimal | The discount for the item. |
DiscountAmount Decimal | The items discount amount. |
DiscountPercent Decimal | The discount in percent for this item. |
DocumentController Integer | Reference to the employee who is a production management document controller. Available macros: currentUser() |
DueDate Date | Date the sales order is due to be paid. Only relevant for pre-paid orders. Available macros: today(), yesterday(), currentMonth(), currentYear(), startOfMonth(), endOfMonth(), startOfYear(), endOfYear(), startOfWeek(), endOfWeek(), previousYear(), previousMonth() |
EndCustomerFirstName String | Secondary name of a company or firstname of a person. |
EndCustomerId Integer | Customer identifier. |
EndCustomerName String | Name of customer (name of company or surname/familyname/lastname of a person). |
EquivalentProductName String | Name of product with equivalent behavior and attributes. Can be used for same purpose.. |
ExpectedEndDate Date | Expected end date of subscription or rental item. Available macros: today(), yesterday(), currentMonth(), currentYear(), startOfMonth(), endOfMonth(), startOfYear(), endOfYear(), startOfWeek(), endOfWeek(), previousYear(), previousMonth() |
FeeAmount Decimal | Fee amount in transaction document's currency. |
FinanceProjectId Integer | Finance project identifier. |
FreightAmount Decimal | Freight amount in transaction document's currency. |
GeneralLedgerAccountId Integer | General ledger account identifier. |
GrossAmount Decimal | Represents the item amount before any discounts etc. is applied. |
GrossMargin Decimal | Gross margin of the item. |
GrossPrice Decimal | Represents the price per unit before any discounting is applied. |
IntercompanySalesOrderReferenceValue String | Value for the field from the sales order in the other company. |
IsBlockedForProduction Boolean | True if a new production is not to be started automatically based on this sales order item. |
IsConfirmedDeliveryDateLocked Boolean | If confirmed delivery date in sales order item (COA) is locked, this date should not be re-calculated automatically. |
IsPaymentCoveredByWarranty Boolean | True if payment of item will be covered by warranty. For sales order items that are a part of the repair process, it means that these will not be invoiced. |
IsSerialNumberRequiredBeforeShipping Boolean | True if serial number is required before shipping. Note that if the product has set this value to true, this can not be overridden. |
LineNumber Integer | Line- or sequence number of the item. The LineNumber is used for sorting items in applications, prints, reports etc. |
LocationShortName String | Unique abbreviation/short name of the location. |
ManufacturerId Integer | Manufacturer identifier. |
ManufacturerShortName String | Shortname/code of the manufacturer. |
MarketSegment String | Market segment of the customer. |
NetAmount Decimal | Final item amount after deducting all discounts etc. |
NetPrice Decimal | Final price per unit after deducting all discounts etc. |
Note String | Additional information regarding the item (free text). Might be visible to customers/suppliers. |
OpenForwardedQuantity Decimal | When items are forwarded they end up in one or more open items. Open items in this context means items that are not registered (status 0 or 1). OpenForwardedQuantity will be the sum of ForwardedQuantity of all items this item has been forwarded to. |
PaymentMethod String | Method of payment. Default value is retrieved from the customer.. |
PaymentTerms String | Terms of payment. Defaut value is retrieved from the customer. The due date of the sales order and sales invoice is calculated based on this field. |
Planner Integer | Reference to the employee who is a production management planner. Available macros: currentUser() |
PriceChangeAgreement Integer | Defines if and how the recurring price can be updated. |
ProductCustomField1 String | Custom field for grouping, sorting, categorizing and other purposes. |
ProductCustomField2 String | Custom field for grouping, sorting, categorizing and other purposes. |
ProductDescription String | Description of the item. If not specified, the description is by default copied from the product. |
ProductId Integer | Product identifier. |
ProductName String | Name of the product. |
ProductStructureId Integer | Product structure reference. |
ProductType String | Type of product. |
ProductWeight Decimal | The weight of the product in kilograms. |
ProjectLeader Integer | Reference to the employee who is a production management project leader. Available macros: currentUser() |
ProjectOrderId Integer | Project order identifier. |
ProjectOrderItemId Integer | Project order item identifier. |
PurchaseCurrency String | Purchase currency is the currency this product normally is purchased in. This is also the base currency used in the gross margin calculation. By default the purchase currency is retrieved from the product. |
Quantity Decimal | Number of units ordered. |
RecurringPriceId Integer | Recurring price indentifier. |
RegistrationDate Date | Date of registration. Available macros: today(), yesterday(), currentMonth(), currentYear(), startOfMonth(), endOfMonth(), startOfYear(), endOfYear(), startOfWeek(), endOfWeek(), previousYear(), previousMonth() |
RemainingAmount Decimal | Total remaining value of item in document currency. The sum of remaining quantity and open forwarded quantity, multiplied with netprice. |
RemainingQuantity Decimal | Remaining number of units to be forwarded. |
RequestedDeliveryDate Date | The delivery date as requested by the customer. Available macros: today(), yesterday(), currentMonth(), currentYear(), startOfMonth(), endOfMonth(), startOfYear(), endOfYear(), startOfWeek(), endOfWeek(), previousYear(), previousMonth() |
RequestedProductStructureRevision String | The revision will typically be a major change, as opposed to minor changes stored in the version of the product structure. |
SalesAssistant Integer | Reference to the employee who is sales assistant for the customer. Available macros: currentUser() |
SalesDeliveryProjectId Integer | Sales delivery project identifier. |
SalesDistrict String | A geographic district for which an individual salesperson or sales team holds responsibility. |
SalesOrderId Integer | Sales order identifier. |
SalesOrderItemId Integer | Sales order item identifier. |
SalesOrderType String | Type of sales order.. |
ScheduledShippingDate Date | Date when the goods was/will be shipped from the warehouse. Available macros: today(), yesterday(), currentMonth(), currentYear(), startOfMonth(), endOfMonth(), startOfYear(), endOfYear(), startOfWeek(), endOfWeek(), previousYear(), previousMonth() |
SellerEmployeeId Integer | Employee identifier. Available macros: currentUser() |
SellersReferenceNumber String | Sellers reference number.. |
ShippedQuantity Decimal | Quantity forwarded to one or more shipping advices. |
ShippingDay String | Specifies when the goods should be shipped. This is used to calculate the scheduled shipping date for each item. |
StandardLeadTime Integer | The expected lead time, in number of days, from ordering from supplier to delivery. Used in different purchase processes, typically when supplier is unknown. Note that this might differ from the standard lead times defined on the different suppliers.. |
StartDate Date | Start date of subscription or rental item. Available macros: today(), yesterday(), currentMonth(), currentYear(), startOfMonth(), endOfMonth(), startOfYear(), endOfYear(), startOfWeek(), endOfWeek(), previousYear(), previousMonth() |
Status Integer | Status of the sales order item (0-9). |
SubTotalAmount Decimal | Total amount of the object in object currency, excluding VAT. |
Type Integer | Item type. |
UpdatedAt Datetime | Date and time of update. Available macros: now(), startOfDay(), endOfDay(), currentDate(), currentMonth(), currentYear(), startOfMonth(), endOfMonth(), startOfYear(), endOfYear(), startOfWeek(), endOfWeek(), previousYear(), previousMonth() |
VATAmount Decimal | Total value added tax in object currency. |
VATCode String | Code that determines VAT rules used for VAT calculations. |
VATHandling String | Specifies how value added tax (VAT) should be calculated. Either always include VAT, always exclude VAT or use standard/default VAT rules. |
VATPercent Decimal | Value added tax percent. |
VATType String | Type of value added tax. |
WarrantyExpirationDate Date | Date of warranty expiration. Available macros: today(), yesterday(), currentMonth(), currentYear(), startOfMonth(), endOfMonth(), startOfYear(), endOfYear(), startOfWeek(), endOfWeek(), previousYear(), previousMonth() |
Read more about filters and sorting on how to use sortable parameters
AccountManager Integer | Reference to the employee who is responsible for the management of sales, and relationship with the customer. |
AllocatedStockQuantity Decimal | The quantity of this item which do have assignments from stock |
AssetId Integer | Asset identifier |
Assignee Integer | The user who has been assigned to work with this object. |
ConfirmedDeliveryDate Date | Confirmed date of delivery. Date of which the customer can expect the arriving goods |
ContainingNotificationTypeId Integer | Notification type identifier |
ConvertedGrossAmount Decimal | Total gross amount in company currency. |
ConvertedGrossPrice Decimal | Represents the price per unit before any discounting is applied. |
ConvertedNetAmount Decimal | Total net amount in company currency. |
ConvertedNetPrice Decimal | Final price per unit after deducting all discounts. |
ConvertedRemainingAmount Decimal | Total remaining amount in company currency. |
CreatedAt Datetime | Date and time of creation |
CreditCardTransactionId Integer | Credit card transaction identifier |
CustomerFirstname String | Secondary name of a company or firstname of a person |
CustomerId Integer | Customer identifier |
CustomerLegalEntityId Integer | Customer legal entity identifier |
CustomerName String | Name of customer (name of company or surname/familyname/lastname of a person) |
CustomersProductName String | Customers internal name of the product. Retrieved from the product. |
CustomersReferenceNumber String | Customers item reference number. Typically to the customers internal system. |
DeliveryTerms String | Delivery terms when shipping the goods. The delivery terms is based on the Incoterms rules from ICC (International Chamber of Commerce). The delivery terms is by default retrieved from the customer. |
DepartmentId Integer | Department identifier |
DeviationId Integer | Deviation identifier |
DeviationTypeId Integer | Deviation definition identifier |
Discount Decimal | The discount for the item. |
DiscountAmount Decimal | The items discount amount. |
DiscountPercent Decimal | The discount in percent for this item. |
DocumentController Integer | Reference to the employee who is a production management document controller. |
DueDate Date | Date the sales order is due to be paid. Only relevant for pre-paid orders. |
EndCustomerFirstName String | Secondary name of a company or firstname of a person |
EndCustomerId Integer | Customer identifier |
EndCustomerName String | Name of customer (name of company or surname/familyname/lastname of a person) |
EquivalentProductName String | Name of product with equivalent behavior and attributes. Can be used for same purpose. |
ExpectedEndDate Date | Expected end date of subscription or rental item |
FeeAmount Decimal | Fee amount in transaction document's currency |
FinanceProjectId Integer | Finance project identifier |
FreightAmount Decimal | Freight amount in transaction document's currency |
GeneralLedgerAccountId Integer | General ledger account identifier |
GrossAmount Decimal | Represents the item amount before any discounts etc. is applied. |
GrossMargin Decimal | Gross margin of the item. |
GrossPrice Decimal | Represents the price per unit before any discounting is applied. |
IntercompanySalesOrderReferenceValue String | Value for the field from the sales order in the other company |
IsBlockedForProduction Boolean | True if a new production is not to be started automatically based on this sales order item. |
IsConfirmedDeliveryDateLocked Boolean | If confirmed delivery date in sales order item (COA) is locked, this date should not be re-calculated automatically. |
IsPaymentCoveredByWarranty Boolean | True if payment of item will be covered by warranty. For sales order items that are a part of the repair process, it means that these will not be invoiced. |
IsSerialNumberRequiredBeforeShipping Boolean | True if serial number is required before shipping. Note that if the product has set this value to true, this can not be overridden. |
LineNumber Integer | Line- or sequence number of the item. The LineNumber is used for sorting items in applications, prints, reports etc. |
LocationShortName String | Unique abbreviation/short name of the location |
ManufacturerId Integer | Manufacturer identifier |
ManufacturerShortName String | Shortname/code of the manufacturer |
MarketSegment String | Market segment of the customer |
NetAmount Decimal | Final item amount after deducting all discounts etc. |
NetPrice Decimal | Final price per unit after deducting all discounts etc. |
Note String | Additional information regarding the item (free text). Might be visible to customers/suppliers. |
OpenForwardedQuantity Decimal | When items are forwarded they end up in one or more open items. Open items in this context means items that are not registered (status 0 or 1). OpenForwardedQuantity will be the sum of ForwardedQuantity of all items this item has been forwarded to. |
PaymentMethod String | Method of payment. Default value is retrieved from the customer. |
PaymentTerms String | Terms of payment. Defaut value is retrieved from the customer. The due date of the sales order and sales invoice is calculated based on this field. |
Planner Integer | Reference to the employee who is a production management planner. |
PriceChangeAgreement Integer | Defines if and how the recurring price can be updated |
ProductCustomField1 String | Custom field for grouping, sorting, categorizing and other purposes. |
ProductCustomField2 String | Custom field for grouping, sorting, categorizing and other purposes. |
ProductDescription String | Description of the item. If not specified, the description is by default copied from the product. |
ProductId Integer | Product identifier |
ProductName String | Name of the product |
ProductStructureId Integer | Product structure reference |
ProductType String | Type of product |
ProductWeight Decimal | The weight of the product in kilograms. |
ProjectLeader Integer | Reference to the employee who is a production management project leader. |
ProjectOrderId Integer | Project order identifier |
ProjectOrderItemId Integer | Project order item identifier |
PurchaseCurrency String | Purchase currency is the currency this product normally is purchased in. This is also the base currency used in the gross margin calculation. By default the purchase currency is retrieved from the product. |
Quantity Decimal | Number of units ordered |
RecurringPriceId Integer | Recurring price indentifier |
RegistrationDate Date | Date of registration |
RemainingAmount Decimal | Total remaining value of item in document currency. The sum of remaining quantity and open forwarded quantity, multiplied with netprice |
RemainingQuantity Decimal | Remaining number of units to be forwarded. |
RequestedDeliveryDate Date | The delivery date as requested by the customer. |
RequestedProductStructureRevision String | The revision will typically be a major change, as opposed to minor changes stored in the version of the product structure. |
SalesAssistant Integer | Reference to the employee who is sales assistant for the customer. |
SalesDeliveryProjectId Integer | Sales delivery project identifier |
SalesDistrict String | A geographic district for which an individual salesperson or sales team holds responsibility |
SalesOrderId Integer | Sales order identifier |
SalesOrderItemId Integer | Sales order item identifier |
SalesOrderType String | Type of sales order. |
ScheduledShippingDate Date | Date when the goods was/will be shipped from the warehouse. |
SellerEmployeeId Integer | Employee identifier |
SellersReferenceNumber String | Sellers reference number. |
ShippedQuantity Decimal | Quantity forwarded to one or more shipping advices |
ShippingDay String | Specifies when the goods should be shipped. This is used to calculate the scheduled shipping date for each item. |
StandardLeadTime Integer | The expected lead time, in number of days, from ordering from supplier to delivery. Used in different purchase processes, typically when supplier is unknown. Note that this might differ from the standard lead times defined on the different suppliers. |
StartDate Date | Start date of subscription or rental item |
Status Integer | Status of the sales order item (0-9). |
SubTotalAmount Decimal | Total amount of the object in object currency, excluding VAT. |
Type Integer | Item type |
UpdatedAt Datetime | Date and time of update |
VATAmount Decimal | Total value added tax in object currency. |
VATCode String | Code that determines VAT rules used for VAT calculations. |
VATHandling String | Specifies how value added tax (VAT) should be calculated. Either always include VAT, always exclude VAT or use standard/default VAT rules. |
VATPercent Decimal | Value added tax percent |
VATType String | Type of value added tax |
WarrantyExpirationDate Date | Date of warranty expiration. |
Requesting this resource will yield the following response. Mouse over fieldnames (or fieldgroups) for descriptions and other useful information about the fields. Fields colored in grey is expandable fields.
Please note that some fields may be removed from the response, based on user roles/duties/permissions.
Sales order item identifier
Line- or sequence number of the item. The LineNumber is used for sorting items in applications, prints, reports etc.
Status of the sales order item (0-9).
Possible domain values can be found here
Date and time of creation
The delivery date as requested by the customer.
Confirmed date of delivery. Date of which the customer can expect the arriving goods
If confirmed delivery date in sales order item (COA) is locked, this date should not be re-calculated automatically.
Date when the goods was/will be shipped from the warehouse.
Customers item reference number. Typically to the customers internal system.
Customers internal name of the product. Retrieved from the product.
The revision will typically be a major change, as opposed to minor changes stored in the version of the product structure.
Description of the item. If not specified, the description is by default copied from the product.
Gross margin of the item.
The discount in percent for this item.
Number of units ordered
Remaining number of units to be forwarded.
Quantity forwarded to one or more shipping advices
True if a new production is not to be started automatically based on this sales order item.
Three character code following the ISO 4217 standard
The discount for the item.
Represents the price per unit before any discounting is applied.
Final price per unit after deducting all discounts etc.
Three character code following the ISO 4217 standard
Represents the item amount before any discounts etc. is applied.
Final item amount after deducting all discounts etc.
Total remaining value of item in document currency. The sum of remaining quantity and open forwarded quantity, multiplied with netprice
Measurement unit identifier
Measurement unit (ex. mm, km, dl, kg)
Material unit reference
Product identifier
Name of the product
Manufacturer identifier
Shortname/code of the manufacturer
Manufacturer reference
Product reference
Product structure reference
Product structure reference
Total cost (landed cost or true cost) of getting each unit in stock, including purchase price, duties, charges, freight etc.
Exchange rate between document currency and purchase currency. Used in landed cost calculations.
Sales forecast identifier
Sales forecast reference
Sales order identifier
Customers reference. Typically a person.
Customer identifier
Name of customer (name of company or surname/familyname/lastname of a person)
Secondary name of a company or firstname of a person
Customer reference
Sales order reference
Start date of subscription or rental item
Expected end date of subscription or rental item
Defines if and how the recurring price can be updated
Possible domain values can be found here
Recurring price indentifier
Three character code following the ISO 4217 standard
Interval of recurring price
Possible domain values can be found here
Boolean indicating if the recurring price has a one-time fee.
Boolean indicating if the recurring price has any usage steps.
Recurring price reference
Value of a price step
Reference to the sales order item.
Detailed paging information for this list.
Number of elements in the list, as defined in $top. Default is 10.
Position of the first element in the list
Page index
Link to the first page in the list. $pageKey is set to FirstPageKey.
Link to the previous page in the list. $pageKey is set to PreviousPageKey.
Link to the next page in the list. $pageKey is set to NextPageKey.
Link to the last page in the list. $pageKey is set to LastPageKey.
Total number of records in the list. Use $inlinecount=allpages in the request uri to include this
Sales order item identifier
": "{Integer}",Type
Item type
Possible domain values can be found here
": "{Integer}",LineNumber
Line- or sequence number of the item. The LineNumber is used for sorting items in applications, prints, reports etc.
": "{Integer}",Status
Status of the sales order item (0-9).
Possible domain values can be found here
": "{Integer}",CreatedAt
Date and time of creation
": "{Datetime}",RequestedDeliveryDate
The delivery date as requested by the customer.
": "{Date}",ConfirmedDeliveryDate
Confirmed date of delivery. Date of which the customer can expect the arriving goods
": "{Date}",IsConfirmedDeliveryDateLocked
If confirmed delivery date in sales order item (COA) is locked, this date should not be re-calculated automatically.
": "{Boolean}",ScheduledShippingDate
Date when the goods was/will be shipped from the warehouse.
": "{Date}",CustomersReferenceNumber
Customers item reference number. Typically to the customers internal system.
": "{String}",CustomersProductName
Customers internal name of the product. Retrieved from the product.
": "{String}",RequestedProductStructureRevision
The revision will typically be a major change, as opposed to minor changes stored in the version of the product structure.
": "{String}",ProductDescription
Description of the item. If not specified, the description is by default copied from the product.
": "{String}",GrossMargin
Gross margin of the item.
": "{Decimal}",DiscountPercent
The discount in percent for this item.
": "{Decimal}",Quantity
Number of units ordered
": "{Decimal}",RemainingQuantity
Remaining number of units to be forwarded.
": "{Decimal}",ShippedQuantity
Quantity forwarded to one or more shipping advices
": "{Decimal}",IsBlockedForProduction
True if a new production is not to be started automatically based on this sales order item.
": "{Boolean}",Currency
Three character code following the ISO 4217 standard
": "{String}",Discount
The discount for the item.
": "{Decimal}",GrossPrice
Represents the price per unit before any discounting is applied.
": "{Decimal}",NetPrice
Final price per unit after deducting all discounts etc.
": "{Decimal}"Currency
Three character code following the ISO 4217 standard
": "{String}",GrossAmount
Represents the item amount before any discounts etc. is applied.
": "{Decimal}",NetAmount
Final item amount after deducting all discounts etc.
": "{Decimal}",RemainingAmount
Total remaining value of item in document currency. The sum of remaining quantity and open forwarded quantity, multiplied with netprice
": "{Decimal}"MeasurementUnitId
Measurement unit identifier
": "{Integer}",Unit
Measurement unit (ex. mm, km, dl, kg)
": "{String}",MeasurementUnitLink
Material unit reference
": "{String}"ProductId
Product identifier
": "{Integer}",Name
Name of the product
": "{String}",Type
Type of product
Possible domain values can be found here
": "{String}",ManufacturerId
Manufacturer identifier
": "{Integer}",ShortName
Shortname/code of the manufacturer
": "{String}",ManufacturerLink
Manufacturer reference
": "{String}"ProductLink
Product reference
": "{String}"ProductStructureId
Product structure reference
": "{Integer}",ProductStructureLink
Product structure reference
": "{String}"GrossPrice
Total cost (landed cost or true cost) of getting each unit in stock, including purchase price, duties, charges, freight etc.
": "{Decimal}",PurchaseExchangeRate
Exchange rate between document currency and purchase currency. Used in landed cost calculations.
": "{Decimal}"SalesForecastId
Sales forecast identifier
": "{Integer}",SalesForecastLink
Sales forecast reference
": "{String}"SalesOrderId
Sales order identifier
": "{Integer}",CustomersReference
Customers reference. Typically a person.
": "{String}",CustomerId
Customer identifier
": "{Integer}",Name
Name of customer (name of company or surname/familyname/lastname of a person)
": "{String}",Firstname
Secondary name of a company or firstname of a person
": "{String}",CustomerLink
Customer reference
": "{String}"SalesOrderLink
Sales order reference
": "{String}"StartDate
Start date of subscription or rental item
": "{Date}",ExpectedEndDate
Expected end date of subscription or rental item
": "{Date}",PriceChangeAgreement
Defines if and how the recurring price can be updated
Possible domain values can be found here
": "{Integer}",RecurringPriceId
Recurring price indentifier
": "{Integer}",Currency
Three character code following the ISO 4217 standard
": "{String}",PriceInterval
Interval of recurring price
Possible domain values can be found here
": "{Integer}",HasOneTimeFee
Boolean indicating if the recurring price has a one-time fee.
": "{Boolean}",HasUsageStep
Boolean indicating if the recurring price has any usage steps.
": "{Boolean}",RecurringPriceLink
Recurring price reference
": "{String}"Price
Value of a price step
": "{Decimal}"SalesOrderItemLink
Reference to the sales order item.
": "{String}"Paging
Detailed paging information for this list.
": {PageSize
Number of elements in the list, as defined in $top. Default is 10.
": "{Integer}",Position
Position of the first element in the list
": "{Integer}",Page
Page index
": "{Integer}",FirstPage
Link to the first page in the list. $pageKey is set to FirstPageKey.
": "{String}",PreviousPage
Link to the previous page in the list. $pageKey is set to PreviousPageKey.
": "{String}",NextPage
Link to the next page in the list. $pageKey is set to NextPageKey.
": "{String}",LastPage
Link to the last page in the list. $pageKey is set to LastPageKey.
": "{String}",Size
Total number of records in the list. Use $inlinecount=allpages in the request uri to include this
": "{Integer}"
List of available operations/actions for this resource.
See the operations documentation for more information about API operations.
Possible error codes the response might return:
Error 100147 HTTP 404 | Notification type not found |
Error 105969 HTTP 400 | Start date is required |
Error 105970 HTTP 400 | End date is required |