Sales APIs
Update gross margin on all sales order items. This is an API operation. Read the documentation pages for more information about API operations.
HTTP method | POST |
URI |{salesOrderId}/api-operations/100963/instances |
Supported formats | Xml, Html, Json (ex. $format=json) |
- URI parameter {salesOrderId} |
Sales order identifier
Integer, minimum 100000 |
Successful HTTP status code | 200 |
API resource identifier | 4177, version 1 |
The following body must be added to the request. Mouse over fieldnames for description and other useful information about the fields. Note that fields in bold are required/mandatory.
Required/mandatory field
Gross margin of the item.
Minimum value: -100
Maximum value: 100
Required/mandatory field
Gross margin of the item.
Minimum value: -100
Maximum value: 100
": "{Decimal}"The query string is placed after the resource URL, seperated with a questionmark (?). The query string is composed of a series of query parameters with values. See the page about query parameters on how to use these parameters.
$access_token String, optional | After successful login you get an access token which needs to be provided in all API requests. Even though it is possible to pass this token as query parameter, we recommended passing it using the HTTP request header as described in Authorization. Note that all access tokens have an expiration time. |
$db String, optional | Set the database/company for the request |
$useMinimumVersion Integer, optional | Used to run a new version of an API resource when your API client is running a deprecated API resource. See the Breaking changes page for more information. |
$lang String, optional | Specifies the language used in the response, following the 3-letter ISO-639-1 [lll] |
Read more about filters and sorting on how to use filter parameters and named filters.
Read more about filters and sorting on how to use sortable parameters
Requesting this resource will yield the following response. Mouse over fieldnames (or fieldgroups) for descriptions and other useful information about the fields.
Please note that some fields may be removed from the response, based on user roles/duties/permissions.
Operation instance identifier
Status of the instance, 2 = started, 7 = error, 9 = finished
Date and time the operation instance was created
Reference to the creator
User identifier
User reference
Identifier of the object
Type of object
API reference to the object
Item-number of the object
Type of item
API reference to the item
Internal RamBase identifier of the object/item
Api operation identifiers
Api operation reference
Identifier of the object
Type of object
API reference to the object
Item-number of the object
Type of item
API reference to the item
Internal RamBase identifier of the object/item
Full error message/description. The message is generated from the specified ErrorMessage object, expanded with the given parameter(s).
Full translated error description. The language used is specified either in $lang or by user settings. If error message don't exist in desired language, english will be used.
Stack trace for details about the error
Contains a reference to the error message, if an error occured
Error message identifier
Error message reference
Error Key
Value of the error parameter
Full error message/description. The message is generated from the specified ErrorMessage object, expanded with the given parameter(s).
Full translated error description. The language used is specified either in $lang or by user settings. If error message don't exist in desired language, english will be used.
Stack trace for details about the error
Contains a reference to the error message, if an error occured
Error message identifier
Error message reference
Error Key
Value of the error parameter
Key of the result value
Value of the result value
Contains a reference to the system job, if a system job was started
Type of object
Percent complete
API reference to the object
Operation instance reference
Operation instance identifier
": "{Integer}",Status
Status of the instance, 2 = started, 7 = error, 9 = finished
": "{Integer}",CreatedAt
Date and time the operation instance was created
": "{Datetime}",CreatedBy
Reference to the creator
": {UserId
User identifier
": "{Integer}",UserLink
User reference
": "{String}"ObjectId
Identifier of the object
": "{String}",ObjectType
Type of object
": "{String}",ObjectLink
API reference to the object
": "{String}",ItemId
Item-number of the object
": "{Integer}",ItemType
Type of item
": "{String}",ItemLink
API reference to the item
": "{String}",RamBaseKey
Internal RamBase identifier of the object/item
": "{String}"ApiOprationId
Api operation identifiers
": "{Integer}",ApiOperationLink
Api operation reference
": "{String}"ObjectId
Identifier of the object
": "{String}",ObjectType
Type of object
": "{String}",ObjectLink
API reference to the object
": "{String}",ItemId
Item-number of the object
": "{Integer}",ItemType
Type of item
": "{String}",ItemLink
API reference to the item
": "{String}",RamBaseKey
Internal RamBase identifier of the object/item
": "{String}"Message
Full error message/description. The message is generated from the specified ErrorMessage object, expanded with the given parameter(s).
": "{String}",TranslatedMessage
Full translated error description. The language used is specified either in $lang or by user settings. If error message don't exist in desired language, english will be used.
": "{String}",StackTrace
Stack trace for details about the error
": "{String}",ErrorMessage
Contains a reference to the error message, if an error occured
": {ErrorMessageId
Error message identifier
": "{Integer}",ErrorMessageLink
Error message reference
": "{String}"Index
Error Key
": "{Integer}",Value
Value of the error parameter
": "{String}"Message
Full error message/description. The message is generated from the specified ErrorMessage object, expanded with the given parameter(s).
": "{String}",TranslatedMessage
Full translated error description. The language used is specified either in $lang or by user settings. If error message don't exist in desired language, english will be used.
": "{String}",StackTrace
Stack trace for details about the error
": "{String}",ErrorMessage
Contains a reference to the error message, if an error occured
": {ErrorMessageId
Error message identifier
": "{Integer}",ErrorMessageLink
Error message reference
": "{String}"Index
Error Key
": "{Integer}",Value
Value of the error parameter
": "{String}"Key
Key of the result value
": "{String}",Value
Value of the result value
": "{String}"SystemJob
Contains a reference to the system job, if a system job was started
": {ObjectId
": "{Integer}",ObjectType
Type of object
": "{String}",PercentComplete
Percent complete
": "{Integer}",ObjectLink
API reference to the object
": "{String}"OperationInstanceLink
Operation instance reference
": "{String}"
List of available operations/actions for this resource.
See the operations documentation for more information about API operations.
Possible error codes the response might return:
Error 100147 HTTP 404 | Notification type not found |
Error 105991 HTTP 400 | Event is not of the same type as event set on the automated flow |
Error 101254 HTTP 400 | Only articles with matching PARTNERID can be purchased from this supplier |
Error 107812 HTTP 400 | End customer not found |
Error 103343 HTTP 400 | Illegal update : Accountingperiod {0} is closed. |
Error 103342 HTTP 400 | Illegal Update : Accountingperiod {0} has agio calculations. |
Error 106408 HTTP 403 | You have no permission to create subscription item in sales order |
Error 106957 HTTP 400 | Only rental or subscription products can be used in recurring contract's lines |
Error 106962 HTTP 400 | Product of this type (WP) cannot be added to this type of sales order |
Error 107055 HTTP 400 | The rental date can only be set back {0} days |
Error 102484 HTTP 400 | Asset is required for general ledger account {0} |
Error 102485 HTTP 400 | Dimension {0} ({1}) is required for general ledger account {2} |
Error 101313 HTTP 400 | Department number is not valid: {0} |
Error 101320 HTTP 400 | The project number is not valid: {0} |
Error 101500 HTTP 400 | Project {0} could not be used : Check project FromPeriod and ToPeriod. |
Error 101501 HTTP 400 | Asset is not allowed on general ledger account {0} |
Error 101326 HTTP 400 | The asset number is not valid : {0} |
Error 102486 HTTP 400 | Invalid value for dimension {0} |