Sales APIs

GET sales/orders/key-figures?groupBy={groupBy}

Key figures for sales orders.

HTTP method GET
URI https://api.rambase.net/sales/orders/key-figures?groupBy={groupBy}
Supported formats Xml, Html, Json (ex. $format=json)
Maximum page size ($top) 80
Successful HTTP status code 200
API resource identifier 3404, version 14

The following body must be added to the request. Mouse over fieldnames for description and other useful information about the fields. Note that fields in bold are required/mandatory.


The query string is placed after the resource URL, seperated with a questionmark (?). The query string is composed of a series of query parameters with values. See the page about query parameters on how to use these parameters.

groupBy String, optional RegistrationDate, RegistrationMonth, RegistrationYear, Supplier or Status

Default: Status
$lang String, optional Specifies the language used in the response, following the 3-letter ISO-639-1 [lll]
$access_token String, optional After successful login you get an access token which needs to be provided in all API requests. Even though it is possible to pass this token as query parameter, we recommended passing it using the HTTP request header as described in Authorization. Note that all access tokens have an expiration time.
$db String, optional Set the database/company for the request
$expand String, optional Use to include output fields that are not returned by default in the response. Accepts a comma-separated list of expandable field names. See the Expand and Select page for more information.
$select String, optional Use to define the fields to return in the response. Accepts a comma-separated list of field names. See the Expand and select page for more information.
$useMinimumVersion Integer, optional Used to run a new version of an API resource when your API client is running a deprecated API resource. See the Breaking changes page for more information.
$format String, optional Set the format of the response to use for the request. Accepted values are "xml", "html", "jsonstream", "json"
$top String, optional Specifies number of rows to return in each page. Maximum limit is specific for each API resource. Default value is 10.
$pageKey String, optional Use to navigate to first, previous, next or last page in list. Add $expand=PagingDetails to add the different keys to the response.
$filter String, optional Use to filter the result list, see the Filtering and sorting page for more information.
$orderby String, optional Use to order the result list, see the Filtering and sorting page for more information.
$inlinecount String, optional Set to "allpages" to include total number of rows in the response. Possible values are: "allpages", "none"

Read more about filters and sorting on how to use filter parameters and named filters.

AccountManager Integer Employee identifier. Available macros: currentUser()
Assignee Integer User identifier. Available macros: currentUser()
AssigneeName String Firstname and name of the user.
CreatedAt Datetime Date and time of creation. Available macros: now(), startOfDay(), endOfDay(), currentDate(), currentMonth(), currentYear(), startOfMonth(), endOfMonth(), startOfYear(), endOfYear(), startOfWeek(), endOfWeek(), previousYear(), previousMonth()
Currency String Three character code following the ISO 4217 standard.
CustomerId Integer Customer identifier.
CustomersReference String Customers reference. Typically a person.
CustomersReferenceNumber String Customers reference number. E.g. the internal sales order id the customer use in their own system.
DeliveryTerms String Delivery terms when shipping the goods. The delivery terms is based on the Incoterms rules from ICC (International Chamber of Commerce). The delivery terms is by default retrieved from the customer.
ExchangeRateFluctuationAgreement String When a sales order is issued, RamBase stores the current exchange rate and the currency the product normally is purchased in. The exchange rate might have changed when the invoice is issued. The exchange rate fluctuation agreement specifies how to handle these differences. The agreement has the format AAA/BBB, where AAA is a percentage of the total invoice, and BBB is the exchange rate fluctuation percentage. E.g. 100/3.0 means that if the rate of exchange on the date a sales order is forwarded to an invoice has changed more than +/- 3% from the rate of exchange, 100% of the invoice amount will be adjusted.
FeeAmount Decimal Fee amount in transaction document's currency.
Firstname String Secondary name of a company or firstname of a person.
FreightAmount Decimal Freight amount in transaction document's currency.
GrossMargin Decimal Gross margin of sale, calculated as an average of gross margin of all items at the time items are created and when the document is registered. Will not be recalculated if gross margin in items change afterwards.
HasAttachmentsToForward Boolean Has attachements that will be included when forwarded to other transaction documents.
InvoiceAddressCity String City/town/village.
InvoiceAddressCountryCode String Two-character code (ISO 3166) identifying the country.
InvoiceAddressPostalCode String Postalcode/Postcode/ZIP.
Location String Unique abbreviation/short name of the location.
MarketSegment String Market segment of the customer.
Name String Name of customer (name of company or surname/familyname/lastname of a person).
NetWeight Decimal The net weight of object (excluding packing meterial) in kilograms.
Note String Additional information regarding the object (free text). This note might be visible to customers/suppliers.
PaymentMethod String Method of payment. Default value is retrieved from the customer..
PaymentTerms String Terms of payment. Defaut value is retrieved from the customer. The due date of the sales order and sales invoice is calculated based on this field.
RegistrationDate Date Date of registration. Available macros: today(), yesterday(), currentMonth(), currentYear(), startOfMonth(), endOfMonth(), startOfYear(), endOfYear(), startOfWeek(), endOfWeek(), previousYear(), previousMonth()
SalesAssistant Integer Employee identifier. Available macros: currentUser()
SalesDeliveryProjectId Integer Sales delivery project identifier.
SalesDistrict String A geographic district for which an individual salesperson or sales team holds responsibility.
SalesOrderId Integer Sales order identifier.
SellersReferenceNumber String Sellers reference number..
ShippingAddressCountryCode String Country code of shipment destination.
ShippingAddressName String Name of receiver (Name of company or last name of a person). Note that default invoice address must have the same name as the customer.
Status Integer Status of sales order.
SubTotalAmount Decimal Total amount of the object in object currency, excluding VAT.
TotalAmount Decimal The total amount in object currency, including VAT.
Type String Type of sales order..
VATAmount Decimal Total value added tax in object currency.
VATHandling String Specifies how value added tax (VAT) should be calculated. Either always include VAT, always exclude VAT or use standard/default VAT rules.
VolumePriceAgreement String Special price agreement related to the quantity beeing ordered..

Read more about filters and sorting on how to use sortable parameters

Requesting this resource will yield the following response. Mouse over fieldnames (or fieldgroups) for descriptions and other useful information about the fields. Fields colored in grey is expandable fields.

Please note that some fields may be removed from the response, based on user roles/duties/permissions.


GroupBy can be "RUT" (RentalUnit), "RUTYEARMONTH" ( RentalUnit, Year, Month) or "YEARMONTH" (Year or month)


Description of the key.


Number of occurrences with the specified key.


Detailed paging information for this list.


Number of elements in the list, as defined in $top. Default is 10.


Position of the first element in the list


Page index


Page key to use for navigating to the first page in the list

This field is greyed out because it is an expandable field. You have to add $expand=PagingDetails in your request URI to get this field


Link to the first page in the list. $pageKey is set to FirstPageKey.


Page key to use for navigating to previous page in the list

This field is greyed out because it is an expandable field. You have to add $expand=PagingDetails in your request URI to get this field


Link to the previous page in the list. $pageKey is set to PreviousPageKey.


Page key to use for navigating to next page in the list

This field is greyed out because it is an expandable field. You have to add $expand=PagingDetails in your request URI to get this field


Link to the next page in the list. $pageKey is set to NextPageKey.


Page key to use for navigating to last page in the list

This field is greyed out because it is an expandable field. You have to add $expand=PagingDetails in your request URI to get this field


Link to the last page in the list. $pageKey is set to LastPageKey.


Total number of records in the list. Use $inlinecount=allpages in the request uri to include this

     "keyFigures": [

GroupBy can be "RUT" (RentalUnit), "RUTYEARMONTH" ( RentalUnit, Year, Month) or "YEARMONTH" (Year or month)


Description of the key.


Number of occurrences with the specified key.


Detailed paging information for this list.


Number of elements in the list, as defined in $top. Default is 10.


Position of the first element in the list


Page index


Page key to use for navigating to the first page in the list

This field is greyed out because it is an expandable field. You have to add $expand=PagingDetails in your request URI to get this field


Link to the first page in the list. $pageKey is set to FirstPageKey.


Page key to use for navigating to previous page in the list

This field is greyed out because it is an expandable field. You have to add $expand=PagingDetails in your request URI to get this field


Link to the previous page in the list. $pageKey is set to PreviousPageKey.


Page key to use for navigating to next page in the list

This field is greyed out because it is an expandable field. You have to add $expand=PagingDetails in your request URI to get this field


Link to the next page in the list. $pageKey is set to NextPageKey.


Page key to use for navigating to last page in the list

This field is greyed out because it is an expandable field. You have to add $expand=PagingDetails in your request URI to get this field


Link to the last page in the list. $pageKey is set to LastPageKey.


Total number of records in the list. Use $inlinecount=allpages in the request uri to include this


List of available operations/actions for this resource.
See the operations documentation for more information about API operations.

Possible error codes the response might return:

Error 103241 HTTP 400 Invalid group by